May 17, 2013

Thoughts on... Star Trek Into Darkness

Well, this seems to be a Star Trek week. Which is great since I love Star Trek... I love the concept of Star Trek. When it comes to Into Darkness I'm not sure.

I've seen the 2009 film more than I can count. I know the lines and shots which was proven in the last post. So the expectations were high for Into Darkness... And it didn't fail me. This time everything was more spetacular than it was before. Colors were brighter, characters funnier, though what bothers me was that some of the jokes were cheap. I can't tell whether it was also like that with the first film. It felt like the characters were falling into their own stereotype and like they weren't people, more like actors bantering while in character.

The sequel's villain was better though. Benedict Cumberbatch, I love you. This guy has an extraordinary talent. The wrath (pun not intended)* that he brought out as John Harrison kind of scared me. 

Now let's talk about the elephant in the room that is the second act. That was a disaster. Everything before and after the temporary-villain was pret-ty good. And then bang - a huge military spaceship that makes you think Darth Vader has jumped Universes. Oh worry not, just a power-hungry unexplained character with no depth. Had I been on Star Trek's writing team, I would have campaigned to change that part. It felt like a filler that didn't turn out very well.

We could have invested that time in John Harrison and getting to know him since he was a very guarded and manipulating guy that rarely showed his true colors.

You know what... Now that J.J. Abrams is directing Star Wars, a crossover would be cool. And it could be a spin-off. How about Chewbacca on Enterprise?

I could go on about what was wrong with Into Darkness but I still have to admit liking it. There was a lot of lazy writing that is unforgivable. Still, it's Star Trek.

*The Wrath of Khan, anyone?

Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) on IMDb
Written by Benni


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