From Schindler's List
Portrayed by Ralph Fiennes
This character is incredibly tricky hence that it's based on a person in real life, he was a Nazi and utterly contradicting. He was a ruthless man and as many would call him - a monster. But I also believe he was lost. He kept looking up to Schindler, trying to figure out his place. Schindler manipulated him quite easily by first gaining his trust and respect which Goeth unknowingly gave him as Schindler was a confident man with, well everything. He was not a one dimensioned character as many villains tend to be. Many times he seemed to be in a battle with himself between the cruelty his occupation required and the person in need of love. That's why his relationship to Helena Hirsch was bipolar. At one point he seemed to be attracted to her while a second later he would understand that at the world he was living, that relationship could never happen - Helena would just be killed as he stated to Schindler in one scene.
Quotes by Amon Goeth:
- No, of course I can't. That's what I'd like to do. What I can do, if I'm any sort of a man is the next most merciful thing. I should take her into the woods and shoot her painlessly in the back of the head.
- That you know the meaning of the word 'gratitude.' That it's not some vague thing with you like it is with others. You want to stay where you are. You've got things going on the side, things are good. You don't want anybody telling you what to do. I can understand all that.
- Can you believe this? As if I don't have enough to do, they come up with this? I have to find every rag buried up here and burn it. The party's over, Oskar. They're closing us down, sending everybody to Auschwitz.
- Why is the top down? I'm fucking freezing.
- The truth, Helen, is always the right answer.
written by Benni
OTP. Dying... :'O